Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What a year can bring...

Early in our marriage, as we were starting our collection of Christmas decorations, I got these cute little reindeer stocking holders. Each year, I would put them out feeling hopeful that the third one would have a stocking on it someday soon. I don't remember when my feelings changed, or when I stopped putting the 3rd one on the mantle, but last year I remember holding the smallest one and sobbing. Facing infertility, Christmas carried such mixed emotions of celebration but also longing and realizing it was another year with our unfulfilled desires. Little did we know last Christmas that just a few weeks later, we would get the call that there were 5 little embryos that needed a family.
I still cried as I dusted off the 3rd reindeer this year...but what joy and anticipation fill our hearts. I'm feeling so blessed today.
Thinking of the dear friends I have made through this journey that are still facing the pain of infertility this Christmas season. you're never far from my thoughts or prayers ♥


  1. You're making me tear up over here:) While we never went down the infertility path as you (and so many others have/are) I remember doing the EXACT same thing, buying 4 of the stocking holders when it was just Steve and I- and wondering if/when/who....I'm so excited for you!

  2. Deeee-lighted to hear when baby Preston gets here. I'll often log on to FB and wonder if today is the day. Praying for your comfort and health.

  3. Praising the Lord with you... with tears in my eyes. :)
